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 Services and Fees
Ages of Children we accept:
We offer care to children 19 months to six years of age.  We accept children who are not toilet trained.
Hours of Operation:
Our hours of service are from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday to Friday.  We are open all year round with the exception of statutory holidays, University Closures (includes between Christmas and New Years and U of A furlough days) and a day for the University Maintenance Shut down day which involves our building.
Our fees are based on a per month per child basis.  Our full-time fee is $1185.00 per month per child.  Our monthly part-time fees are as follows:  3 full days per week $875.00 or 2 full days per week $595.00 per month per child. 

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